The Principles of Transparency in Academic Publishing determined by the Editorial Board, Editorial Board, Advisory Board, authors and referees of ROMAYA JOURNAL, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Adhering to Best Practices, it is committed to preventing malpractice in publishing in accordance with academic and ethical standards.
Open Access
ROMAYA JOURNAL adheres to the principle of open publishing. Each article can be accessed in full text from the journal's website without any restrictions and delays from the date of publication.
Articles submitted to the ROMAYA JOURNAL are evaluated according to their academic and scientific content, regardless of their author's sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, nationality and political philosophy. Personal criticism of the author(s) is considered inappropriate. Reviewers should consult the editor before agreeing to review a manuscript for which they have a potential conflict of interest, which may arise from a competitive, collaborative, or other relationship or affiliation with any of its authors.
Plagiarism occurs in the form of presenting someone else's work as one's own work, copying someone else's work as it is without attribution or by altering it, and owning the results of research done by others. Regardless of how plagiarism is done, it is an unethical behavior and is unacceptable.
ROMAYA JOURNAL follows a strict policy on plagiarism. The Editorial Board ensures the originality of the written works by uploading them to the Turnitine/iThenticate plagiarism prevention program before publication. The Editorial Board, the Editorial Board and the Advisory Board immediately examine all allegations of scientific misconduct, especially plagiarism, regarding the published articles. If an article is found to have plagiarized the work or used third-party copyrighted material without permission or with incomplete notification, the Editorial Board reserves the right to take various actions, including retracting the article, reporting the issue to the head of the department, dean and/or relevant academic institutions in the institution where the author works (Plagiarism rate should not exceed 15%).
Conflict of Interest
All authors should clarify in the article any financial interests they may have with other individuals or institutions that may be considered to improperly influence their work.
ROMAYA JOURNAL  is obliged to keep the articles sent for publication confidential and not to use the information obtained from the refereeing process for their personal interests. ROMAYA Editorial Board, Editorial Board and Advisory Board guarantee to protect the confidentiality of all material submitted to the journal and all correspondence with referees, unless otherwise agreed with the relevant authors and referees. Reports or information about the article cannot be shared with others. Reviewers do not communicate directly with authors without the written permission of the editorial board.

Evaluation of the Study
After the preliminary review, the study is sent to field editors. The field editors evaluate the study based on the criteria outlined in the field editor evaluation form, assigning a score out of 200 points. Studies receiving a score of 150 or higher initiate the peer review process. Additional details regarding the process can be found in the author guidelines.