You can send your article as you have written it. All layout processes of your work will be carried out by our journal.
Copyright Transfer agreement.
JEL Codes
Spelling Template
The Article and Your Way
Requirements for new and revised submissions are followed in different processes. You need to submit your manuscript as a single Word file to be used in the peer-review process. While your article is under review, you will be asked to have the script in the 'correct format' for acceptance and provide the elements necessary for the article to be published.
Evaluation of studies will be based on three criteria:
Contact Information for Submission
Authors are kindly requested to submit their work electronically using the online submission link available at This site will guide authors step-by-step through the submission process. Authors need to upload the source files of their articles in Microsoft (MS) Word format for text. The system automatically converts the source files into a single Adobe Acrobat PDF version to be used in the peer-review process. Authors, reviewers and editors send and receive all correspondence via email and no paper correspondence is required.
Submission Checklist
You can use this list to do a final check before submitting the paper to the journal for review. For more details, please check the relevant section of this Guide for Authors.
Make sure the followings are available:
E mail address
full submission address
The publication language is English. Manuscripts to be submitted to the journal should be written and sent in Microsoft Word format. The writing template is located at the top of this page. It will be enough to fit your work into the template.
In tables and figures, headings should be at the top and references at the bottom, and article lengths should not exceed 12000 words including references.
spelling template
Article title:
The purpose and limitation/ delimitation of the article should be clearly defined and should not exceed ten words.
The abstract should be prepared in Turkish and English for each article and it should contain 150-250 words. In this part, the author/s should briefly mention the results, explain the purpose of the study, the research methods, the design they used, how the data were obtained and the analysis Method.
In order for the article to be easily found in indexes and databases, at least 3 and at most 5 keywords most suitable for the study should be added immediately after the abstract in the article in Turkish and English. At least 3 JEL codes should be written, leaving 1 line space after the keywords.
The main purpose of this section is to introduce the subject in general terms. In this framework, the aim is to form the basis for the reader on the field of study by giving basic information about the subject. Authors should explain what problem they are addressing and why the research was conducted.
Conceptual Framework / Theory
It is the section, information such as which studies have been carried out before and what results have been obtained on the study area are mentioned. In this section, readers have the chance to compare studies conducted by different researchers on the same subject in terms of research method, findings and results.
In this section the qualitative research methods and patterns used in the study are introduced. This section is extremely important in terms of determining the suitability of the method used in the study and comparing it with other studies in this field. In this section, the author/s are expected to write down the methodological processes they followed in their qualitative research step by step.
Findings and discussion
In this section, the data of the main research is analyzed. The data obtained through interviews, focus groups, and participatory observation methods within the scope of the studies should be presented orderly. The information can also be presented in tabular form if necessary. The number of tables used in the whole article should not exceed 6. In this context, the tables should be presented in a well-defined and orderly manner as much as possible.
In the conclusion, the results obtained in the article are summarized and generalizations are made, a short repetition of the question should be made, and the results obtained in different studies should be compared. The limitations of the study, its scientific contribution and suggestions to other researchers should be included.
The acknowledgment section is designated to thank the people or institutions that provided financial/monetary support to the study and provided support for data-information collection. If the study was carried out within the scope of a project, it is recommended to be included in this section together with the project number. Acknowledgments should be placed before the bibliography.
All works cited within the scope of the study must be included in the bibliography. In addition, any publication that has not been referenced in the study should not be included in the bibliography section. The bibliography is extremely important in terms of scientific ethics, and the authors should choose the bibliography they will use in their studies with high precision. This is a requirement considered to be the main responsibility of the authors.
Citation of In-Text Bibliography: It is sufficient for the author or authors to write the surname of the author and the year of publication in the in-text bibliography references: (Bağçı, 2020).
However, if the citation is made directly from the main source, the page number should be given and the citation should be italicized in quotation marks: “Nöroekonomi kavramı birçok bilimden faydalanılarak insanların ekonomik karar alma süreçlerinin belirlenmesi ve hangi koşullarda hangi ekonomik davranışları gösterdiklerinin tespit edilmesini konu edinmiştir“(Beyaz,Beyaz ve Gerdan,2015:134).
It should consist of the surname of the author, the first letter of the name, the year of publication, the name of the publication, the publisher, the place of publication.
*Wang, N. (2000). Tourism and Modernity A Sociological Analysis, Kidlington: Elsevier Science.
*Shaw, G. Williams, A.M. (2004). Tourism and Tourism Spaces. London: SAGE Publications.
Book Chapter
It should consist of the surname of the author, the first letter of the name, the year of publication, the title of the chapter in the book, the editor information, the main publication name, the publisher, the place of publication.
*Bağçı, E. (2020). Hoshin Kanri Yaklaşımı, (Editör) Unvan, Y. A. ve Kalay, F.: İktisadi ve İdari Bilimlerde Güncel Araştırmalar, Cetinje: IVPE Publishing
Article by One Author
It should consist of the surname of the author, the first letter of the name, the year of publication, the name of the journal published, the volume of the journal, the number and page information of the article. Doi numbers should be added at the end of the article, if any.
*Bağçı, E. (2017). Terör Olaylarının Türkiye Turizm Sektörüne Etkisi, Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1 (Özel Sayı): 81-89.
Article by Two Authors
Bağçı, E. & İçöz, O . (2019). Z ve Alfa Kuşağı ile Dijitalleşen Turizm. Güncel Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3 (2): 232-256.
Articles with More Than Two Authors
*Bağçı, E., Uzun, C. & Bostan, A. (2020). Covid-19 ve Sağlık Turizmi, Journal of Awareness, 5(3), 331-348.
Dissertation / Thesis
It should consist of the author’s surname, the first letter of the name, the year of publication, the full name of the thesis, the name of the university and the location.
*Özen, U. (2021). Yaşlı, Engelli ve Bakıma Muhtaç Bireyler İçin Yapılan Kamu Harcamalarının Türkiye Ekonomisine Etkilerinin Ekonometrik Bir Analizi ve Türkiye Almanya Kıyaslaması, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Maltepe Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
Conference Proceedings / Conference Papers
*Bağçı, E., Deliormanlı, A. & Akçay, Y. (2017). Göç Turizmi (Diaspora), Son Şans Turizmi (Last Chance), Oyuncak Turist (Toy Tourist) Kavramlarının Türkiye'deki Turizm Akademisyenleri ve üst Düzey Yöneticileri Açısından Bilinirliğine Dair Bir Araştırma, Türkiye 18. Ulusal Turizm Kongresi.
Resmi Gazete: [ Erişim Tarihi: 29.08.2021]
Citation: (
Important notes:
In cases where the number of authors is more than one in references to foreign publications, the “&” sign should be used instead of “and” in the author information.
In in-text references, one-to-one quotations should be given with the page number of the work (Bağçı, 2020: 171)and the cited place should be written italic. There is no need to use the page number in cases where the information of the cited work is used and the exact citation is not made (Bağçı: 2020).
Article Evaluation Process
The first version of the manuscripts submitted to our journal is subjected to editorial review within 1 week. If the study that completes the editorial process is deemed appropriate for the publication principles of the journal, the referee process is initiated. The abstract/abstract of the study is shared with the referees who are experts in the subject of the submitted study. They are asked for information about whether they can contribute to our journal during the refereeing process. The full text of the study is sent to the referees who approve the refereeing and they are notified of the 15-day referee evaluation period. If the referees to whom the abstract/abstract is sent indicate that they are not available, positive notification is expected from different referees. The reports from the referees who have completed the evaluation process are forwarded to the authors. If 2 referees report that the manuscript is unpublishable or 1 referee reports that the manuscript is unpublishable and 1 referee gives a major correction, the manuscript is rejected. The manuscript in which 1 referee reports unpublishable and 1 referee gives minor correction is sent to the 3rd referee. According to the decision of the 3rd referee, it is decided whether or not the article will be published. Regardless of the suggestions, the final decision is made by the editor in chief. All these processes take 30-50 days on average.
2 Unpublishable= Reject
1 Unpublishable + 1 Major=Reject
1 Unpublishable + 1 Minor= The work is sent to the 3rd referee.
*The first payment of $100 is for the preliminary evaluation of the study. The remaining payment is requested from the studies that pass this stage.
Dear Author(s),
Proposals and personal requirements that would prevent the publication process from being carried out in a transparent, equal, fair and scientific ethical manner, and that would create the impression that pressure is being exerted on the committees and reviewers should not be written in the “notes to the editor” field and/or sent to the committees via e-mails. Thank you for your sensitivity in this regard.
Process Diagram
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